Friday, September 16, 2011

Eel Swims Up Guy's (*Squirms*) ... Oh, I Can't Even Finish This Sentence!

Gents, feel free to skip this story about a Chinese man who got a bit more than he bargained for at this unusual Chinese spa:
Thinking that the eels would make him look ten years younger, Nan dived into the water and let them feast upon layers of dead skin.
But after laying in the spa bath, Nan felt a sharp pain and realised a small eel was working its way up his urethra and into his bladder.
'I climbed into the bath and I could feel the eels nibbling my body. But then suddenly I felt a severe pain and realised a small eel had gone into the end of my penis,' the 56-year-old from Honghu, Hubei province said.
'I tried to hold it and take it out, but the eel was too slippery to be held and it disappeared up my penis.'
Link - via Buzzfeed

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