Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pentagon Racked $720 Million in Late Fees

  Think that your overdue library book's late fee was bad? Well, that ain't nothin' compared to what the Pentagon paid in late fees in returning rented containers ...
The Pentagon has spent more than $720million since 2001 on fees for shipping containers that it fails to return on time, according to data and contracts obtained by USA TODAY.
The containers — large metal boxes stowed on ships and moved from port on trucks — are familiar sights on bases in Iraq and Afghanistan where troops use them for storage, shelter and building material. Yet each 20-foot container returned late can rack up more than $2,200 in late fees. Shipping companies charge the government daily "container detention fees" after the grace period ends for the box to be returned.
Thankfully, the Pentagon can afford it, as its budget is about $553 billion. Link

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