Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Caroll Spinney playing Oscar the Grouch with his Big Bird feet on

Thursday, December 15, 2011


The first random tattoo in the world!
Each time you scan the QR code tattoo you will see something different: Videos, pictures, phrases, weather forecast, tweets ... every time something new.

4 Alaskan deer saved from drowning by local good-Samaritan boaters

This is a crazy story with a fortunately happy ending that took place back in October, 2010.
A foursome of young button bucks fell upon some good luck Sunday as they were pulled from the icy waters of Stephens Passage by a group of locals out to enjoy the last few days of recent sunshine.…

 Once they reached the vessel, Satre said they began to circle the boat and looked obviously distressed. The typically skittish and absolutely wild animals came willingly and once on the boat, collapsed with exhaustion. They were shivering.

Witnesses reported all the deer recovered fully from what appeared to be exhaustion and a bit of  hypothermia.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



Beat your meat like it owes you money with the Knuckle Meat Pounder ($13). Fashioned after a set of brass knuckles, it's made from metal -- obviously -- and generally looks menacing while you use it to flatten your food or soften up your steak. May or may not be legal in your jurisdiction, so remember to keep it in the kitchen, okay? 

This Backpack Brings The Booming System With You

I know the latest trend in audio is to put speakers into clothing wherever possible, but this backpack speaker unit, complete with 8-inch woofer, seems like overkill. For one thing, it can’t be good for the ears of whoever wears the thing. Then there’s the fact that no one will want to be anywhere near you when this thing kicks off.
But if you need to have your theme music with you at all times, say while running from the cops or rappelling off a building, then this booming bag has got your back.
Link –via Geekologie

Sunday, December 11, 2011



Photographer David Litchfield took this incredible photograph of cage divers confronting a massive great white shark on the Isla de Guadalupe. The shot was one of the finalists of National Geographic’s annual photo contest. It’s hard to tell how big this shark is, but when you compare it to the divers in the cage it’s certainly not small. To learn more about the mighty Great White Shark, check out this post from earlier this year.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Orson Welles Was George Lucas's First Pick to Voice Darth Vader

James Earl Jones provided the voice of Darth Vader in the original trilogy. In an interview with BBC News, Jones asserted that George Lucas’s first choice for that role was Orson Welles. But Lucas reasoned that Welles’s voice was too well-known.
The tragedy is that Bobcat Goldthwait was too young provide his voice. Surely he would have been the ideal Vader.
What other actors do you think would have been good in the role of Darth Vader?
Link (warning: auto-sound) -via blastr | Images: BBC, IMDb